They have taken a new path away from there normal third party addons and will only develop from 100% legal and official sources. However don’t get to excited.This does not mean the return of Exodus or Phoenix. We finally have some good news, TvAddons is on its way back. Guide How to Install New TvAddons Kodi Addon Repo Fusion Guide How to Install New TvAddons Kodi Addon Repo Fusion After 8 Weeks of us breaking a couple of stories regarding TvAddons being sued by Dish and Third Party addons closing in Droves. So what does this mean for the Kodi Community? We have finally seen movement after a new twitter account was setup last week. This is a brand new Repo to hit the scene over the last few days.After all the commotion and the on going court cases TvAdddons is back. I have been taking a look at How to Install TvAddons Kodi Addon Repo.